
Sohom Bhattacharjee <soham.bhattacharje...@gmail.com> skribis:

> On 07/10/2017 03:14 PM, Ludovic Courtès wrote:


>>> 2. From reading the docs I figure that we are supposed to write
>>> config.scm for everything including web servers. This also means doing a
>>> `guix system reconfigure` after every change (even the trivial ones like
>>> setting up another virtual host etc). Is there any way I can *not* do
>>> this and run certain services like Apache or cron without declaring them
>>> in the config ?
>> You can always run them “by hand”, but then you don’t get the advantages
>> of using GuixSD.
>> What makes you wary of running “guix system reconfigure”?
> After my second installation of Guix SD i changed a lot stuff in the
> config file and reconfigured but somehow that didn't work properly. So i
> ended up having to do single edits to the config and then running
> reconfigure after every edit.  That worked nicely.
> Also I couldn't help but think that in GUIX we would need to have
> multiple declarations on the config for multiple virtual-hosts in nginx
> and other web servers. Right ?


> This means we should run a guix system reconfigure even if we want to
> add another virtual-host.
> I'm not wary of "guix system reconfigure", it just feels "new".
> I guess I will have to ease into it. :-)

It sure feels different.  :-)  My recommendation would be to test new
configs with ‘guix system vm’ first.  That allows you to figure out
obvious issues with service configs, etc.

Of course hardware-related issues can only be discovered when you boot
the config on the bare metal.


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