El Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:05:39 +0000
ng0 <n...@infotropique.org> escribió:

> Quiliro transcribed 1.8K bytes:
> > El Thu, 25 May 2017 18:19:02 -0500
> > Quiliro <quil...@riseup.net> escribió:
> > 
> > > I finally could install bare-bones.scm GuixSD working machine. Now i am 
> > > interested in installing a mirror [of hydra] for offline installation. 
> > > There is no telecommunications where I live. So I could bring the server 
> > > to download substitutes and then take it back to my network for local 
> > > download. I was told that an nginx mirror of hydra would cache only 
> > > substitutes after they have been requested through it. Nevertheless, for 
> > > those that need that, here is the config:
> > > https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/maintenance.git/tree/hydra/nginx/mirror.conf
> > > 
> > > Since that solution is not for offline use, please suggest what I should 
> > > do. 
> > > 
> > 
> > I would still want to test installing a hydra mirror. Is there a howto for 
> > this?
> > 
> It's quiet bad that this low connectivity case, which is not that rare,
> is not included. But we can work on it. In the meantime, you mentioned you
> have one place with connectivity.
> Could you create a mid-, short-, or long-distance mesh network with
> it so that you reach it? Similar to what Freifunk with BATMAN does
> and other international meshnetwork communities.
> I think I know at least one more person (besides myself) who's
> interested in solving problems like these.

There is no connection possibility on the remote site. The only solution is to 
take a device back and forth from the connected site to the non-connected site.


Ekzemploj de la problemo de sur-respondigi:

R: Ĉar ĝi malutilas la ordon ke homoj legas la tekston normale.
> D: Kial estas sur-respondi tiel malbone?
>> R: Sur-respondi.
>>> D: Kio estas la pli ĝenanto en poŝto elektronika?

R: Ne.
> D: Ĉu mi devas lasi komentariojn post mia respondo?

Ejemplos de los problemas con el top-posting:

Respuesta: Porque desordena la forma en la que las personas normalmente leen 
> Pregunta: ¿Por qué es tan malo el top-posting?
>> Respuesta: Top-posting.
>>> Pregunta: ¿Qué es lo más molesto en el correo electrónico?

Respuesta: No.
> Pregunta: ¿Debo dejar las citas luego de mi respuesta?

Examples of the problems in top posting:

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
>Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
>>A: Top-posting.
>>>Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

A: No.
> Q: Should I leave quotations after my reply?

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