2017-05-02 20:58 GMT+02:00 myglc2 <myg...@gmail.com>:

> No need to apologize.  Discussion like this is a great addition to the
> list.


> As it stands, your video is a great sanity check for someone wondering
> if their emacs-guix environment is working properly. It is also a great
> demonstration of how easy it is for a guix user to see and, with a git
> checkout, modify a package.

Thank you for your kind words

> If you expanded it a bit to illustrate a few
> more guix-edit/geiser features, it could be a great addition to the
> guix-video-verse, and, IMO, a good thing to add to www.gnu.or
> <http://www.gnu.org>

Which eatures, exactly, you would like to be showed ?

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