I am starting to wonder if something is horribly wrong. Why? Well, if I
do 'M-x guix-edit emacs.scm', do 'M-x run-geiser', select
'define-module', and press M-. I see ...

geiser-edit-symbol-at-point: Couldn’t find edit location for

If I select 'emacs-build-system' and press M-. I see ...

geiser-edit-symbol-at-point: Couldn’t find edit location for

Is this how geiser works for others?

TIA - George

I'm running GuixSD and emacs-guix built from recent git pulls.

GNU Guix 0.12.0
Emacs-Guix 0.3

emacs config:

Attachment: guix.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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