Hello everyone! So I got a very nice and useful response about getting GuixSD working on Rackspace Cloud. I've gotten permission to post the conversation verbatim, so I've done so below. But here's the tl;dr:
- In order for our image to work, we need to get XenServer and nova-agent working and running on it. DHCP isn't used. - Apparently the right format is "VHD in an OVF container" but is hard to get right. I'm assuming we probably won't get it right by guessing based on that description. - So we probably should use this tool to do our first attempt (then figure out from there how to generate such an image ourselves without help): http://rackerlabs.github.io/boot.rackspace.com/ - In order to use that, we'll need to supply a .iso, so I guess in order to move forward with the Rackspace route, we'll need to finish figuring out how to generate a .iso here too! Thanks again to AlexOughton for the useful feedback. > [Fri Dec 2 2016] > <AlexOughton> hi, i just saw your question about GuixSD on #rackspace. you'll > need to get both the XenServer tools and the nova-agent working, > as Rackspace Cloud doesn't use DHCP [14:52] > <paroneayea> hi! Ah I see :) > <paroneayea> I've been documenting my attempt at getting GuixSD on Rackspace > here: > http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-guix/2016-11/msg00073.html > http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-guix/2016-11/msg00074.html > [14:54] > <paroneayea> mind if I paste your reply here into the #guix irc channel and/or > to the mailing list? > <AlexOughton> sure. i don [14:55] > <AlexOughton> sure. i don't know how far you're going to get with image import > methods (as this can be flaky, and also requires VERY specific > format). you might get better luck bootstrapping your own custom > image this way: http://rackerlabs.github.io/boot.rackspace.com/ > [14:56] > <AlexOughton> that only provides a few distros, but there are ways of pointing > iPXE to your own ISO file to then boot that and perform an > installation [14:57] > <paroneayea> ok, thanks. Yeah I was having trouble finding any information > about what the expected format is [15:00] > <paroneayea> and there doesn't seem to be much info > <AlexOughton> i believe it's VHD in an OVF container. [15:02] > <AlexOughton> i think your success or failure is going to be down to whether > or not the OS works on XenServer (which is what our hypervisors > are), and whether or not the XenServer tools work. what kernel > does guixsd use? > <paroneayea> linux-libre 4.8.10 is latest I think [15:03] > <paroneayea> you can install other kernels > <paroneayea> but that's the default > <AlexOughton> ok, well since it's a Linux my guess would be that it's possible > to get XenServer tools working. and then the nova-agent is just > python, so hopefully that's possible too [15:04] > <paroneayea> cool, ok. I guess we need both nova-agent and XenServer then :) > <AlexOughton> right. the boot.rackspace link i gave you above has > documentation for getting both of those working as well > <paroneayea> cool... well, I was just looking into making a .iso of the boot > install media yesterday (currently we mostly use a USB install > stick) so I guess there's extra motivation to do that now :) > [15:05] > <paroneayea> thanks for your help, this was a very useful conversation. Okay > for me to just paste this conversation verbatim to the mailing > list? [15:06] > <AlexOughton> yep, no problem. as long as it's understood that i'm just > answering as an individual, and that this isn't any kind of > official rackspace support answer. because it's definitely not > something which rackspace would be able to support for you > [15:07] > <paroneayea> understood :) > <paroneayea> thank you! > <AlexOughton> you're welcome > <paroneayea> I really appreciate it :)