Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Hi!
> ng0 <> skribis:
>> Ludovic Courtès <> writes:
> [...]
>>>> 4) Is GnuNET integration already working?
>>> No.
>> It's a bit of a stretch (in time), but I've applied for funding
>> yesterday and one of the 3 ideas is to push gnunet integration further,
>> to aid the live-system I am working on. I say 'stretch' because this is
>> a topic which requires some preparing contributions and then lots of
>> testing and diving deeper into the core of Guix :)
>> So if all goes well, I know around december if I qualified with my idea
>> for funding and can almost worry-free hack on this for another 6
>> months.
>> It's like Google Summer of Code, only a bit longer. I'll very optimistic
>> and say that my internal documented goal for basic gnunet-filesystem
>> integration for guix is summer / autumn 2017.
> That would be awesome!
> I really hope a regular release cycle will be running for GNUnet by
> then, because that’s currently quite a showstopper IMO.

I think Christian mentioned some tasks which need to be done to make
this happen. Maybe you could get in touch with him about this and ask
how Guix and GNUnet can cooperate with this?

If only cuiras could produce tarballs (or run additional tasks which
lead to tarballs) for other systems to use, that would be a great

> Good luck with your application!
> Ludo’.


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