Hi all, I've been messing around with GNUnet and building fun applications with it. One thing I noticed recently. Looking at the source code of gnunet-dht-put. The default lifetime of a DHT entry should be an hour[1]. But when I run the following command. The key `hello` is not found via the get command just 5 minutes or less later.
> gnunet-dht-put -k "hello" -d "world" # Set hello to world > # Running immediately after set works > gnunet-dht-get -k "hello" -T 10000000 Result 0, type 8: world > sleep 300 > gnunet-dht-get -k "hello" -T 10000000 # No key found [1]: https://git.gnunet.org/gnunet.git/tree/src/dht/gnunet-dht-put.c#n235 Am I doing something wrong? My application needs the DHT to bootstrap group information. Best, Martin