
Maybe add multiple variables per agent and limit their sum to the max per

On Fri, 17 Dec 2021 at 17:31, Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org> wrote:

> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Davor Ocelic <doce...@hcoop.net>
> To: m...@gnu.org
> Subject: gmpl question
> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 10:07:38 +0100
> Heya,
> I would appreciate minimal help with gmpl if you could:
> In the glpk example `assign.mod`, the constraint is that
> an agent can have only one task assigned:
> s.t. phi{i in I}: sum{j in J} x[i,j] <= 1;
> /* each agent can perform at most one task */
> I would need to change this rule so that an agent doesn't
> have a limit on number of tasks, but all tasks need to be
> distributed among a limited number of agents. (For example,
> distribute the 8 tasks in the example to 4 agents).
> Could you help me with the syntax for that?
> Thank you kindly,
> Davor
> --

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