Le mardi 26 janvier 2021, 13:33:39 CET Domingo Alvarez Duarte a écrit : > It seems to be a cplex OPL format. > > After manually convert it to GMPL (see bellow)
Oh… but is this format planned to be supported one day? are there automated convertors or other free software that understand it? > Manually converting to GMPL could be something like this: > > ==== > > param N integer; > param D; > param dureeJournee integer; > param planchesJournee integer; > set objets := {1..N}; > param planches{objets} integer; > param duree{i in objets} := planches[i] / D; > param profit{objets}; > > var aFabriquer{objets} , >= 1, integer; > > maximize result: sum{o in objets} profit[o]*aFabriquer[o]; > > s.t. cstTemps: sum{o in objets} duree[o]*aFabriquer[o] <= dureeJournee; > cstPlanches: sum{o in objets} planches[o]*aFabriquer[o] <= > planchesJournee; # une contrainte en plus: chaque objet est au moins > fabriqu´e en 1 exemplaire > #auMoins1: forall(o in objets) aFabriquer[o] >= 1; > > solve; > > #display duree, planches, profit; > printf "Il faut fabriquer :\n"; > printf{i in objets} "%f objet(s) %d\n", aFabriquer[i], i; > printf "Il faut fabriquer :%f\n", result; > > data; > > param N := 5; > param D := 3.4; > param dureeJournee := 8; > param planchesJournee := 40; > param planches := 1 4, 2 5, 3 8, 4 3, 5 7; > param profit := 1 12.6, 2 45.0, 3 8.0, 4 76.0, 5 7.5; > > end; > > ==== I see, it’s pretty different, and I guess I will have to use that for exams/tests, so well maybe I’ll just leave that