Forum: CFEngine Help Subject: Re: CFEngine Help: How-to restart machine after certain package have been installed. Author: juriskrumins Link to topic:,26673,26691#msg-26691
Sorry for not being specific enough. So lets start from the beginning. What I need is: 1. Install custom kernel on newly deployed machine. 2. Since kernel activation requires reboot, I need to restart the machine. So, what I got is: 1. Define custom kernel package I'd like to install. By the way this variable gets defined only if 2 global classes are not true. Works fine. vars: !vz_hardware_node.!vz_container:: "kernel_package" slist => { "vzkernel", }, comment => "Define kernel to install arch specifi", handle => "packages_vars_kernel_package"; 2. I need to install custom kernel, defined in step 1. using packages promise and define class called restart_machine in case packages promise gets repaired successfully. This is probably the place where I have an issue. packages: !vz_hardware_node.!vz_container:: "$(packages.kernel_package)" package_policy => "add", package_architectures => { "x86_64" }, package_method => yum, classes => if_repaired("restart_machine"); 3. And then commands promise will execute command depending on previously defined restart_machine class commands: restart_machine:: "/sbin/shutdown -r now"; So what happened after cf-agent have been executed 1. Package gets installed (if we lack vzkernel package, otherwise nothing happens) 2. No restart_machine class have been defined. 3. And no shutdown -r now command have been executed. If package gets removed, then after a while cf-agent install it once again and that all. The only way I was able to make it work is the way I posted in "July 26, 2012 04:43PM". I've also tested yum command, by manually installing vzkernel package and in case everything is fine we get exit code equal 0, otherwise it's > 0. So I believe return code is not the problem. _______________________________________________ Help-cfengine mailing list