Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: delete_lines and select region
Author: zzamboni
Link to topic:,26551,26631#msg-26631
I was referring to passes within a single cf-agent run. During each run, 
cf-agent makes three passes over each bundle, evaluating the promises in normal 
order, to help achieve convergence. So the two passes you mention occur every 
time cf-agent runs, and they happen immediately one after the other. This is 
described here:

What "atomically" means in file-editing operations is that the file is not 
written back to disk until the edit_line bundle finishes executing, and only if 
there were any changes to the file. So what is actually happening is:

- CFEngine reads the file into memory
- edit_line bundle adds, removes, edits, etc. All of this occurs in the 
in-memory copy of the file.
- CFEngine compares the result to the original contents of the file. If there 
were any changes, the file is written back to disk.

Because of this, you will never find a file on disk that is halfway through 
being edited by an edit_line bundle.

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