Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: copy_from symbolic links with link_type=none
Author: saweron
Link to topic:,26584,26584#msg-26584


Using cfengine 3.0.3

In our data repository, we have a collection of files which are mostly the same 
on a lot of hosts. These files we've put into a MASTER directory. Next to this 
directory we have directories named after hosts. In there we drop either files 
or create a relative symlink pointing to the general file under the MASTER 

Example to illustrate:


 ls -l ldapserver/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          20 Oct  6  2010 ldapserver.xml -> 

The corresponding policy uses to a customized copy_from body in which we set 
link_type to none. We've found this trick in a forum post here

body copy_from copy_link(from)
    source      => "$(from)";
    servers     => { "${g.phost}" };
    encrypt     => "true";
    trustkey    => "true";
    compare     => "digest";
    link_type  => "none";
    verify      => "true";
    purge       => "true";

This works although I'm afraid this wasn't really envisioned. More recent 
cf-agents on other hosts now start to complain as well:

Selection on rhs of lval 'link_type' given as 'none' is out of bounds, should 
be in , near token 'none"'

My question: is there a cleaner/newer way to do the same i.e. copy the targets 
of symlinks in the data repository au lieu the links themselves?

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