Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: cf-serverd seems to be allowing connects from system w/new keys
Author: dhubler
Link to topic:,26443,26449#msg-26449

I removed the public half from the server and regenerated a new public and 
private pair on the remote machine.

>From the help description, i do not see any remote capability to cf-key and 
>I'm not even sure what it could do in this case, it's the server's 
>configuration that has to decide it does not have the key, it never had the 
>key and therefore accept this key.

I dumbed down the server and client configs to bare minimum and I was able to 
reproduce this.

bundle server nop {
      "here i am";

body common control {
  bundlesequence => {

body server control {
  skipverify => { ".*" };
  allowconnects => { "" };
  allowallconnects => { "" };
  maxconnections => "5";
  #trustkeysfrom => { "" };                                           
  logallconnections => "true";
  allowusers => { "root" };

body agent control {
  verbose => "true";

bundle server access_rules {
    "export_dirs" slist => {
        admit => { "" },
        maproot => { "" };

          authorize => { "root" };

bundle agent test {
      copy_from => remote_cp,
      depth_search => recurse("1");

body copy_from remote_cp {
  servers     => { "" };
  source      => "/var/cfengine/masterfiles";
  compare     => "digest";
  trustkey    => "true";

body depth_search recurse(d) {
  depth => "$(d)";
  xdev  => "true";

body common control {
  bundlesequence => {

cf3> Allowing to connect without (re)checking ID
cf3> Non-verified Host ID is ip-10-91-7-15.ec2.internal (Using skipverify)
cf3> Non-verified User ID seems to be root (Using skipverify)
cf3>  -> Public key identity of host "" is 
cf3>  -> Did not find new key format 
cf3>  -> Trying old style /var/cfengine/ppkeys/
cf3> No previous key found, and unable to accept this one on trust

Does anyone rely on the feature that cf-serverd can be configured to always 
trusts a key from a foreign server if it's the first time it's seen that 
server?  If so, would they have configs to share?

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