Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: cfengine3.3.3 binaries no longer install in /usr/local/sbin
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,26176,26233#msg-26233

Wasn't there a big debacle with upgrading from 3.0.5 where the post-install 
scriptlet would delete all of the binaries because the location was changed?

Can the packagers perhaps just make a decision and stick with it?  It's a tad 
frustrating in an environment where I have to simultaneously run different 
versions to also need a bunch of version-based promises just to make sure that 
the binaries are all in the places they're supposed to be.  In my 
not-at-all-humble opinion, the /usr/local/sbin (or /usr/sbin, personally) 
location was the right decision - based upon the filesystem usage model 
described in the Linux FHS.

I can see running copies out of /var; Mark's got a fine argument for that.  But 
having the only copy of the binary be placed under /var?  Hrmmm.

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