(posting this on behalf of Ted Zlatanov, who has some problem with his email 

> On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 15:23:10 -0400 Jesse Becker <becker...@mail.nih.gov> 
> wrote: 
> JB> On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 03:18:10PM -0400, Neil Watson wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 11:51:26AM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
>>>> Hi.  Has anybody put together a body package_method cpan ?   to
>>>> interface with the perl CPAN library?
>>> I'd like to see that.  Given that many CPAN installs can be interactive
>>> this would be challenging.
> JB> We tried to make a wrapper around cpan2rpm at one point.  It kinda sorta
> JB> worked once in a while when the moon was full and we sacrificed a goat
> JB> first.
> Try the 'cpanm' application ('cpanminus' on Homebrew, App::cpanminus
> directly from CPAN, and available as a RPM or DEB package in many
> distributions).  It's meant to run unattended and DTRT with reasonable
> defaults, so you don't have to answer any questions.  For me it's been
> much better than the regular `cpan' client.  I've been using it from the
> command line or in the commands: section, so I'd love to see a package
> manager for it.  Aleksey and Jesse, let me know if you want to do it or
> if I should.  If I do it, it's going into Design Center as a sketch :)
> For installation of `cpanm', see the INSTALLATION section.  You can
> install it directly if you're feeling adventurous:
>    curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
> You may want -n if you pre-test modules, and maybe --mirror if you have
> a local mirror.
> `cpanm' doesn't support uninstalling, but neither does `cpan'.  I'd use
> `etckeeper' with Git on your local Perl lib directory, doing snapshots
> after every package install, if you want to be able to roll back any
> CPAN module.  That's very fast and gives you a way to revert any
> specific commit.  If you're interested in this technique, let me know
> and I'll put together an example.
> Ted

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