I am toying around with bundles that take an array paramater distill
down the relevant parts and call out to other bundles that take an array

One of the cases I was messing around with is a three dimensional array

"array[known][variable][variable]" string => "value"

I know what the first key will be but the second and third keys are
variable. I cant seem to figure out a pattern to create a two
dimensional array from that. I would like to get to

"newarray[variable][variable]" string => "value";

I can get the first key by doing getindices("array[known]") but I don't
know how I could match the second key to the first key.

The goal is to try and wrap up configuration information for a whole
service into an array. So that might include configfile paths and users.
Here is a contrived example, not syntactically correct but to illustrate
the idea

"service[configfile][acl]"        string => "/etc/service/acl";
"service[configfile][passwd]"     string => "/etc/service/passwd";
"service[acl][component1][user1]" string => "rw";
"service[acl][componentb][user2]" string => "r";

"service_config" usebundle => service_main("context.service");

bundle service_main(params){
# c=component
# u=user
acl_conf[$(c)][$(u)] string => $(service[acl[$(c)][$(u)])

"acl" usebundle service_acl("service_main.acl_conf");

bundle service_acl(params){
configure the acls as defined

I definitely don't have to do it this way, but being able to wrap up
multiple smaller reusable components and present them as a single
interface seems useful.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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