I'd like to suggest removing cf_promises_validated from failsafe.cf
as it raises the barrier to entry for new users.  People really trip
over that.  (That's from my training experience.)

It's a clever optimization for high-scale users but it adds complexity
perhaps unnecessarily at the lower end (hundreds of servers) and it
adds a dependency on time synchronization which breaks policy
distribution if the clock on the server is behind.

More organizations use CFEngine to manage tens or hundreds of servers;
there are less organizations using it to manage
thousands, and even less tens of thousands of servers.  So we have
an optimization for a few people at the high end making it harder for the
many people at the low end to start using the product.

I'm really looking forward to 3.3 and the new (to community edition)
databases: and services: promises and the new functions.  Thanks!!

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