Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: Config file where order matters
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,25449,25455#msg-25455

I've been working on this for sudoers, where later entries override earlier 
entries.  The way I'm currently doing it is to have a directory full of small 
templates which start with a number.  It looks like the new lsdir function will 
make this easier in the future, but for now, I just have a simple module which 
uses classes to select files which should be included.  Because of the numbered 
prefix, the module can easily return the slist of include files in order - 
which then get inserted in order with an insert_lines promise.

That doesn't cover individual lines, though (unless you do one line per file, 
which is both horrible and plausible).  I'm planning to start configuring the 
pam.conf/pam.d files in a few months, so hopefully someone will have a better 
suggestion by then. :)

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