On 04/02/2012 04:58 PM, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:

> Dear Nick,
> Yes, it's a single promise, but remember, the promiser can affect
> multiple objects.


> cf3>  -> Handling file existence constraints on /tmp/etc/warnquota.conf
> ...
> cf3>  -> Handling file existence constraints on /tmp/etc/nscd.conf
> ...
> cf3>  -> Handling file existence constraints on /tmp/etc/syslog.conf


Yeah, your right, here is a contrived example. Using a regex inside the
promiser it operated on multiple files.

mkdir -p /tmp/etc
touch /tmp/etc/{5,6,7}.conf

cf-agent -KIf ./test_pcre_promiser.cf  -> Object /tmp/etc/6.conf had
permission 644, changed it to 222
 -> Object /tmp/etc/5.conf had permission 644, changed it to 222
 -> Object /tmp/etc/7.conf had permission 644, changed it to 222
 -> Object /tmp/etc/7.conf had permission 644, changed it to 222

I didn't use the pathtype attribute in mine, but it still found the
files using the regular expression "/tmp/etc/.*\.conf". I hadn't seen
that attribute previously. Thanks Aleksey! you learn something new every

I would say it seems like a bug.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
body common control {

    bundlesequence  => {

    inputs          => {

bundle agent main {
            perms => m("222");

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