Forum: Announcements
Subject: Another Upgrading from CFEngine 2 to CFEngine 3 Webinar - April 25
Author: CFEngine
Link to topic:,25370,25370#msg-25370

Upgrading from CFEngine 2 to CFEngine 3 is easier than you think!

In this Webinar, we will go through the steps required to successfully upgrade 
your CFEngine 2 environment to CFEngine 3. Topics covered in this Webinar will 

- Promise Theory and Convergence - How they are utilized in CFEngine 3
- New features of the CFEngine 3 Language
- Migration strategies
- Policy translation - From Files to Bundles and beyond
- Validation, Testing and Rollout methods
- Q&A Session

So, if you are currently running CFEngine 2 in your environment and are 
considering a move to CFEngine 3, please join us on April 25, 2012.

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