Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: Removal of BDB backend
Author: ejensen
Link to topic:,25240,25305#msg-25305

My name is Eric Jensen, I’m the Product Manager for Berkeley DB at Oracle. I’m 
sorry to hear that you’ve chosen to remove Berkeley DB from your product.

We'd like to investigate the problems you were having. To that end, I was 
hoping someone could answer the following questions:

1. I see you have 2 products, CFE Community and CFE Nova. Which one(s) was BDB 
being used in?
2. If the answer is both, were you experiencing the problems on both?

3. What version of Berkeley DB does CFEngine use?

4. What type of Berkeley DB do you use?
Maybe the simplest way to figure this out; could you share the 
../dist/configure command line you use to build Berkeley DB for use with 
CFEngine (I assume you’re not using BDB JE)

I looked through the forums and only found one thread about a BDB issue:,22382,22382
5. Is there any other information available for us to review?

BDB comes in multiple variants, not all of them offer transaction guarantees. 
If you are using BDB TDS, or Transactional Data Store, you should never run 
into database corruption issues.


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