Forum: CFEngine Help Subject: Re: renicing a process Author: sauer Link to topic:,25092,25237#msg-25237
So, apparently this is a tad difficult, as "nice" and "priority" are not the same thing. Further complicating things, AIX and HP-UX have completely differnet values for the priority field than Linux (and each other), and RHEL5 has dynamic reprioritization enabled out of the box - so there is a range of possible priorities for a given nice value. So, I ended up with this process selection bundle: body process_select nice_exact(p){ priority => irange("$(g.nice_to_priority[$(p)])", "$(g.nice_to_priority[$(p)])"); process_result => "priority"; } And the "g.nice_to_priority" is an array defined per-OS which maps the desired nice value to a priority value. It doesn't work with the RHEL5 dynamic prioritization, of course, but I figure that the cost of just running renice periodically is lower than the cost of re-parsing "ps -o nice" myself. :) For the record, the rest of the code looks essentially like this: vars: "nice" int => "5"; "pidfile" string => "/var/run/"; "niceprocs" slist => getindices( "nice" ); "can_proc[$(niceprocs)]" string => canonify( "$(niceprocs)" ); "pid[$(niceprocs)]" string => readfile( "$(pidfile[$(niceprocs)])", "15"); classes: "have_pid_$(can_proc[$(niceprocs)])" expression => fileexists("$(pidfile[$(niceprocs)])"); processes: "$(niceprocs)" process_select => nice_exact("$(nice[$(niceprocs)])"), restart_class => "renice_$(can_proc[$(niceprocs)])", ifvarclass => "have_pid_$(can_proc[$(niceprocs)])", action => if_elapsed("$(delay)"), comment => "Make sure $(niceprocs) has priority $(nice[$(niceprocs)])"; commands: "$(renice) $(nice[$(niceprocs)]) -p $(pid[$(niceprocs)])" ifvarclass => "have_pid_$(can_proc[$(niceprocs)])&renice_$(can_proc[$(niceprocs)])"; Before I open a feature request to add an additional "nice" process selection capability (most ps implementations do have a separate "nice" column), am I the only person who's ever wanted to make a promise as to the nice value of a process? PS: it'd be super convenient to have a $( or some similar variable which contains the pid of the process whose name matched in a processes promise -- but again, I'm hesitant to open the feature request if I'm the only one who could use this. That's what the have_pid_x class is above; I check to see if there's a pid file for the process, and that's good enough to tell if it's running or not (in this situation). _______________________________________________ Help-cfengine mailing list