Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Google Summer of Code 2012
Author: zzamboni
Link to topic:,25235,25235#msg-25235


This year we decided to apply for the 2012 Google Summer of Code. Here's our 
ideas page:

As you probably know, GSoC is a program sponsored by Google in which selected 
students are paid a stipend to work on an open source project during the 
summer. The idea is to let students benefit from participation in a real 
project, working with a real codebase, and to let open source projects benefit 
from high-quality contributions.

The deadline for mentoring organization applications was last Friday, and the 
results will be published on March 16th. If we are accepted, student 
applications will start on March 26th.

If you are a student, we look forward to hearing from you! And if you know any 
students who might be interested, please point them to the ideas page. The 
Ideas page is meant only as a starting point - we would be more than happy to 
receive suggestions for new projects, or new takes on the projects we posted.

Thank you,

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