Hi Dan,

On 04/03/2012 15:24, Daniel V. Klein wrote:
> Jonathan-
> Looking naively at FnCallNow() in evalfunction.c, I believe you are correct 
> in your suspicion that cf-agent uses the start time as "now".  Now, I say 
> "naively" because I am not that familiar with the Cfengine core code, and I 
> have a not-quite up-to-date version.  For a long-running agent, this is 
> possibly a mistake, and I suggest the developers look at it (and either 
> change the code or the documentation, because it is not a true bug, it is 
> merely a confusing feature).

Thanks for looking into this.

> However, there being two sides to every coin (and sometimes three or four), I 
> notice that you are using mtime in your file_select body, which is the 
> modification time of the file.  In this case, I think  that you need to add 
> ctime into the mix.  If you change the contents of a file, you change both 
> the ctime and mtime, but if you just change the permissions, you only change 
> the ctime.  Do you want the time a file was changed?  Or created/perm-changed?

Well, I'm mostly interested in there not being unexpected behavior in 
CFEngine, but I am indeed interested in the mtime - when the contents of 
the file changed.

> The third side of the coin is that I don't see how either "bug" will cause 
> your problem.  Unless you started cf-agent 30 days ago, your 
> currently-being-modified files should not be selected (and even though 
> cf-execd may be old, each run of cf-agent starts anew).

I think that the "sloppy" selection may happen at the other end of the 
interval. Note the expression in the select_files body: "between 'now' 
and 30 days ago". So consider CFEngine starts running at 01:40. This 
statement would then be roughly equivalent to "mtime < 01:40 Today && 
mtime < 01:40 30 days ago". But, what if cf-agent takes several minutes 
to run, and my file is changed at the same time. It's mtime is then 
01:41, so not "< 01:40" ! I think this maybe where the use of 'now' is 

Thinking about a possible fix, maybe the code could only use the "if 
mtime < 30 days ago" part, and ignore the "mtime < now" part, as this 
should always be in the case. I have no idea how to go about this, for 
now anyway, though.

> Finally, with the fourth side bringing us from coins to Euclidean solids, 
> look at your file_select body.  What you have is legal and I think correct, 
> but I feel it would be clearer as what follows (changing the easy to miss 
> negation, and changing the mtime range):
>    body file_select date_pattern(age, pattern)
>    {
>      mtime       =>  irange(0, ago(0,0,"$(age)",0,0,0));
>      leaf_name   =>  { "$(pattern)" };
>      file_result =>  "leaf_name.mtime";
>    }
> This might change the behavior, but I don't think so.  At least I hope not.  
> But try it, and let me know...

Agreed, but I don't think it should change the behaviour, either. I'll 
give it a try.

Thanks for considering this!
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