On 02/20/2012 04:01 PM, Wes Hardin wrote:
> "A seperate bundle for each node" seems like a lot a bundles to me and 
> "change the global reference ... each time i add a new node" seems like a lot 
> of changes.
> How are you calling these node_specific_bundlenames?  Individually classed 
> methods promises?

I can see how you could consider it excessive. It is certainly more
excessive than having a single place to define all host networking or
host networking for a class of machine.

Mostly I chose to do it with a single file and bundle for each specific
node because it reduces the surface area to look at when operating at a
single node level. The deployment I am working on is pretty small with <
100 nodes. Its not uncommon to need something specific on only a single
node so it also gives me a logical place to store the other
configuration that is specific to a single node.

I have not yet attempted to get dynamic inputs working but I have a
dynamically classed methods promise to call the individual bundles.

I have a common bundle called first and the variable cuqhost gets defined.

"cuqhost" string  => canonify("$(sys.uqhost)");

I then call my main bundle where I have a classes promise define
"node_specific_config_exists" if it detects a node specific
configuration file.

"node_specific_config_exists" expression =>

Then I have a methods promise that calls the node specific bundle.


            "node_specific" usebundle => "$(site.cuqhost)";

This does depend on having a bundle name that is the canonified form of
the sys.uqhost variable.

> Sure thing.  Two examples here, both share a common global multi-dimensional 
> array which I have broken down by site.  DNS config uses slist for 
> nameservers.  NIS config uses getindices to iterate over NIS servers.  This 
> is not a full working example, how I set my $(mysite.site) variable is 
> missing as are some class bodies (which may come from the COPBL).  IPs and 
> host names have been changed to protect me from doing something stupid.

Thanks for sharing I will be sure to study them closely when I have a
bit of time.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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