On 01/09/2012 04:00 PM, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: Copy TO Policy Server
Author: sauer
Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,24515,24524#msg-24524

tjavo87 Wrote:
Is there a disadvantage when all the clients
running the cf-serverd?

You do want to keep in mind that cf-serverd (and everything else) evaluates 
your common bundles.  So, if you're doing something like running a moderately 
expensive command as a module inside the classes section of a common bundle, or 
setting a var based on an execresult call, etc - that will start happening 
fairly frequently as cf-serverd and cf-monitord periodically reevaluate your 
policy. :)

That is why at our site it only parses:
 * promises.cf
 * cf-serverd.cf

## Only include the relevant configuration files for the different programs
    inputs          => {

But that's really the only thing you need to bear in mind, aside from obviously 
making sure that you're opening up access in a secure way (only the right hosts 
can get to certain files, etc).

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*  Bas van der Vlies                    e-mail: b...@sara.nl       *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services   Amsterdam, The Netherlands *

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