On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 04:50:30PM -0500, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
>Forum: CFEngine Help
>Subject: Re: SVN tricks
>Author: sauer
>Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,24395,24411#msg-24411
>If we're sharing for the benefit of people less familiar with Subversion, then 
>it's also worth noting that:
> - "Revision" is  case-sensitive (as well as the other keywords)
> - The trailing colon is usually required for substitution to happen (I 
> regularly forget either the colon or case)
> - The Id parameter (which I prefer to use in headers like this) includes the 
> filename, revision number, last change timestamp, and last author with just 
> one keyword.

Depending on your level of paranoia, and how your repository is
strucutred, adding a "PATH" SVN tag can also be useful.

At the top of each file I push with cfengine, I include at least the ID
tag, and PATH tag if the admin remmebered to put it there.

Since we're on the subject of SVN, here's a pre-commit hook that we use:


It does three main things:
        * Check that you have a non-blank commit message
        * make sure you aren't root
        * Parse the check-in for syntax errors with cf-promises

Jesse Becker
NHGRI Linux support (Digicon Contractor)
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