We use rPath for this: http://www.rpath.com

As with Satellite, not free.  But an exceptionally powerful tool that 
lets you build and manage an entire set of appliances (OS + application) 
and supports nifty things like rollback, migration, and development staging.

Paul Krizak                         7171 Southwest Pkwy MS B200.3A
MTS Systems Engineer                Austin, TX  78735
Advanced Micro Devices              Desk:  (512) 602-8775
Linux/Unix Systems Engineering      Cell:  (512) 791-0686
Global IT Infrastructure            Fax:   (512) 602-0468

On 09/21/2011 05:09 PM, Tom Tucker wrote:
> My company uses the RedHat Satellite server line to achieve this
> functionality. Obviously this tool comes at cost, maybe you could
> leverage the SpaceWalk app to provide similar capabilities. We
> essentially freeze the latest RHEL x.y version to three different
> software channels. The channels we create consist of AppX-Dev, AppX-QA
> and AppX-Prod. These frozen channels are updated in a dev, qa and prod
> order to support ample testing in each environment. Any new updates to
> the core RHEL x.y channel have no impact to our frozen software channels.
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Aleksey Tsalolikhin
> <atsaloli.t...@gmail.com <mailto:atsaloli.t...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Situation: public Linux package repositories (for example CentOS) are
>     constantly getting updated by the distro project (e.g. the CentOS
>     developers). New versions are added, old versions removed.
>     How do you "freeze" a set of packages so that when you run "yum
>     update" on a Prod server it'll get the same package set as your Test
>     server did 3 weeks ago?
>     Let's say your operating policy is "no patch updates without testing
>     first in the test environment". Let's say it takes you 3 weeks to
>     test. Now the source repo has changed (new packages added, old
>     removed).
>     How do you manage that?
>     I talked to a colleague who mirrors Ubuntu repo, and he rsyncs off the
>     local mirror nightly, taking a snapshot of all the packages; and when
>     we wants to "go back in time" 3 weeks, he just points his end nodes at
>     the "3 weeks ago" copy. He's got this integrated into his CM setup
>     (not CFEngine) so he can just say "I want these servers up to date on
>     patches, and I want them to use repository of date X".
>     Does anybody have another solution for this?
>     (And another challenge is that the Linux distro project repos
>     sometimes remove old packages, so going back in time 1 year can be
>     impossible unless you maintain a local mirror and cache.)
>     It'd be cumbersome to keep track of individual package versions, so I
>     like his method of keeping track of the entire repo by date.
>     Does anybody have any other clever solutions for this, or CFEngine
>     policies or experience to share?
>     Yours,
>     -at
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