
It seems to me using "ifvarclass" does not work after a "any::" statement.

I'm trying to use a dynamic class to generate an alert. For example:

        # this does not work ?
            "Disk space for $(path) is below $(space) and is LOW"
                ifvarclass => "$(cpath_vol)";

        # this seems to works fine!
            "Some additional report notice if SOME_CLASS is active"
                ifvarclass => "$(cpath_vol)";

Could this be a bug?

On a related note, when using canonify:

        # this does not work ?
            "Disk space for $(path) is below $(space) and is LOW"
                ifvarclass => canonify("$(cpath_vol)");

The ifvarclass seems ignored entirely and cfengine says the report cannot be in any:

"reports promises may not be in class 'any' - risk of a notification explosion"

Without using canonify it does not give this error.

Could these two issues be a bug?

I am running cfengine version 3.1.5

- Ramon.

(ing.) R. Bastiaans, BICT
* Senior Systems Programmer
* Operations, Support and Development

SARA - Computing and Networking Services
Science Park 121     PO Box 94613
1098 XG Amsterdam NL 1090 GP Amsterdam NL
P.+31 (0)20 592 3000 F.+31 (0)20 668 3167

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