This might help... I execute a command and wrap it up with the canonify 

                        "linux_machine_model"   string  =>      
canonify(execresult("/usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-product-name","noshell"));

Canonify is a function that will “sanitize” the input to make it happy to set a 
class against.  Once I have that string in a variable, I just call a class 
against it.  Canonify is going to replace spaces / dashes with underscores, so 
its handy to print this variable out in a reports: promise when you’re testing 
what your class will end up being called.

                "$(linux_machine_model)"                or              =>      

I assume that cfengine_3 will always be set... So, the variable 
linux_machine_model gets set as a class.  Note, it looks like you’re reading 
from a file.  Look at the reference guide under “functions that return string” 
for functions that will assist reading data from files.

On 7/19/11 9:34 AM, "" <> wrote:

> Forum: CFEngine Help
> Subject: Variable Class Names
> Author: jordy
> Link to topic:,22838,22838#msg-22838
> Hi!!
> I think this question can be a newbie question, but I've searched for answers
> and I can't find any.
> I have a variable that can have different strings depending of the server. The
> question is that I want to convert the content of this variable in a class
> name.
> For example:
> {bunde agent my_app {
> vars:
>      server_type => (read from file and it can be: db_server, app_server,
> dns_server, etc.)
> files:
>    db_server::
>           "XXXXXXX"
>    app_server::
>           "XXXXXXX"
>    dns_server::
>           "XXXXXXX"
>    etc..
> }
> Anyone knows how can I reach this behavior?
> Thank you
> Jorge
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