
I'm still trying to get this to work:

Goal ist to install or at least upgrade to subversion 1.6.x

# /bin/rpm -q --qf '%{name} %{version} %{arch}\n' subversion
subversion 1.4.2 x86_64

bundle agent packagesClient {


      package_policy  => "addupdate",
      package_method  => yum_rpm_exact,
      package_select  => "==",
      package_version  => "1.6.11-7.el5",
      package_architecture  => { "x86_64" },
      action          => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform");


cf3>  -> Package (subversion,1.4.2,x86_64) found
cf3> # Patch reporting feature is only available in version Nova and above
cf3>  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
cf3>   Done checking packages and patches
cf3>  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
cf3>  -> Package version specified explicitly in promise body
cf3>  -> Looking for (subversion,*,*)
cf3>  -> Matched name subversion
cf3>  -> Matched version *
cf3>  -> Looking for (subversion,1.6.11-7.el5,*)
cf3>  -> Matched name subversion
cf3>  -> Check for compatible versioning model in (1.6.11-7.el5,1.4.2)
cf3>  !! Versioning models for (1.6.11-7.el5,1.4.2) were incompatible
cf3>  -> Versions did not match
cf3> No installed packages matched (subversion,1.6.11-7.el5,*)
cf3> Checking if package (subversion,1.6.11-7.el5,*) is at the desired state 
cf3>  -> Package promises to refer to itself as "subversion-1.6.11-7.el5" to 
the manager
cf3>  -> Package version seems to match criteria

------------------------^^^^ why is that???

cf3> Checking if latest available version is newer than installed...
cf3> Looking for an installed package older than (subversion,1.6.11-7.el5,*)
cf3>  !! Package (subversion,*) is not installed

------------------------^^^ but how about subversion,1.4.2,x86_64 found above???

cf3> Installed package is up to date, not updating

------------------------^^^ sigh...

Could anybody please shed some light to this?

Thanks a bunch,

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