Forum: Cfengine Help Subject: Re: Advice on using package promises Author: jgreer Link to topic:,22672,22679#msg-22679
Sure thing - built from rev 2498. Changed packages policy to simply: "wireshark-1.0.15" package_policy => "addupdate", package_method => yum_rpm_exact, package_select => "==", action => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform"); No changes to my package_method body. I believe that with working comparators, this should: - call 'package_add_command' if no package named wireshark is installed - call 'package_update_command' if no package named wireshark-1.0.15 is installed Is that correct? The behavior in trunk appears not to have changed - 'package_update_command' always fires. Testing results: #### wireshark < 1.0.15 is installed: # yum list installed | grep wireshark wireshark.x86_64 1.0.11-1.el5_5.5 installed # cf-agent -Kv cf3 ......................................................... cf3 Promise handle: cf3 Promise made by: wireshark-1.0.15 cf3 ......................................................... cf3 cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 Reading package list from /bin/rpm cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 # Software reporting feature is only available in version Nova and above cf3 # Patch reporting feature is only available in version Nova and above cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 Done checking packages and patches cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 -> Package version specified implicitly in promiser's name cf3 -> Looking for (wireshark,*,*) cf3 -> Matched name wireshark cf3 -> Matched version * cf3 -> Looking for (wireshark,1.0.15,*) cf3 -> Matched name wireshark cf3 -> Check for compatible versioning model in (1.0.15,1.0.11) cf3 -> Verified that versioning models are compatible cf3 -> Verified version constraint promise kept cf3 -> 1 package(s) matching the name "wireshark" already installed cf3 -> 1 package(s) match the promise body's criteria fully cf3 -> Package promises to refer to itself as "wireshark-1.0.15" to the manager cf3 -> Package version seems to match criteria cf3 -> Schedule package for update cf3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cf3 Offering these package-promise suggestions to the managers cf3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cf3 -> Deletion schedule... cf3 -> Addition schedule... cf3 -> Update schedule... cf3 Execute scheduled package update cf3 Command prefix: /usr/bin/yum -y update cf3 Executing /usr/bin/yum -y update wireshark-1.0.15... cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Loaded plugins: downloadonly, rhnplugin, security cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Skipping security plugin, no data cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Setting up Update Process cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Resolving Dependencies cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Skipping security plugin, no data cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:--> Running transaction check cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:---> Package wireshark.x86_64 0:1.0.15-1.el5_6.4 set to be updated cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:--> Finished Dependency Resolution cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Dependencies Resolved cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:================================================================================ cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: Package Arch Version Repository Size cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:================================================================================ cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Updating: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: wireshark x86_64 1.0.15-1.el5_6.4 redhat-updates 12 M cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Transaction Summary cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:================================================================================ cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Install 0 Package(s) cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Upgrade 1 Package(s) cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Total download size: 12 M cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Downloading Packages: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Running rpm_check_debug cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Running Transaction Test cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Finished Transaction Test cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Transaction Test Succeeded cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Running Transaction cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:^M Updating : wireshark 1/2 cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:^M Cleanup : wireshark 2/2 cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Updated: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: wireshark.x86_64 0:1.0.15-1.el5_6.4 cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Complete! cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Package schedule execution ok for wireshark-1.0.15 (outcome cannot be promised by cf-agent) cf3 -> Patch schedule... cf3 -> Verify schedule... cf3 #### wireshark 1.0.15 is installed: cf3 ......................................................... cf3 Promise handle: cf3 Promise made by: wireshark-1.0.15 cf3 ......................................................... cf3 cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 Reading package list from /bin/rpm cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 # Software reporting feature is only available in version Nova and above cf3 # Patch reporting feature is only available in version Nova and above cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 Done checking packages and patches cf3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? cf3 -> Package version specified implicitly in promiser's name cf3 -> Looking for (wireshark,*,*) cf3 -> Matched name wireshark cf3 -> Matched version * cf3 -> Looking for (wireshark,1.0.15,*) cf3 -> Matched name wireshark cf3 -> Check for compatible versioning model in (1.0.15,1.0.15) cf3 -> Verified that versioning models are compatible cf3 -> Verified version constraint promise kept cf3 -> 1 package(s) matching the name "wireshark" already installed cf3 -> 1 package(s) match the promise body's criteria fully cf3 -> Package promises to refer to itself as "wireshark-1.0.15" to the manager cf3 -> Package version seems to match criteria cf3 -> Schedule package for update cf3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cf3 Offering these package-promise suggestions to the managers cf3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cf3 -> Deletion schedule... cf3 -> Addition schedule... cf3 -> Update schedule... cf3 Execute scheduled package update cf3 Command prefix: /usr/bin/yum -y update cf3 Executing /usr/bin/yum -y update wireshark-1.0.15... cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Loaded plugins: downloadonly, rhnplugin, security cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Skipping security plugin, no data cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:Setting up Update Process cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...:No Packages marked for Update cf3 Q:yum -y update wiresh ...: cf3 Package schedule execution ok for wireshark-1.0.15 (outcome cannot be promised by cf-agent) cf3 -> Patch schedule... cf3 -> Verify schedule... -Jessica _______________________________________________ Help-cfengine mailing list