When starting up cfagent on one of our Solaris 10 x86 systems:

bash-3.00# /var/cfengine/bin/cfagent -vqIK
<wait for a while, then ctrl-c>
^C: Received signal 2 (SIGINT) while doing [pre-lock-state]
: Logical start time Thu Jan  1 05:30:00 1970
: This sub-task started really at Thu Jan  1 05:30:00 1970

bash-3.00# date
Thursday, June 23, 2011  9:40:34 PM IST

Why would cfagent think the date is the epoch, even though the system 
clearly has the right date?

And why would such an anomaly cause cfagent to fail to run?

Note this is cfengine 2.1.21...


Paul Krizak                         7171 Southwest Pkwy MS B200.3A
MTS Systems Engineer                Austin, TX  78735
Advanced Micro Devices              Desk:  (512) 602-8775
Linux/Unix Systems Engineering      Cell:  (512) 791-0686
Global IT Infrastructure            Fax:   (512) 602-0468

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