Forum: Cfengine Help
Subject: Please help with regex format
Author: raymondcox
Link to topic:,20900,20900#msg-20900


        For the past few weeks off and on I have been trying to develop a 
solution to keep all of my LINUX and AIX passwords in sync. I had a partially 
working solution, but abandoned it because it required too much administrative 
overhead (manually updating hashed password values in a reference table).

        I found a very good solution on the forum to maintain the LINUX 
/etc/shadow file by making a copy of /etc/shadow on a reference system and 
using that copy to update all other LINUX systems.

        I would like to do the same thing with the /etc/security/passwd file in 
AIX, but I am having trouble figuring out how to pull just the password hash 
from the file to use to update other systems. 

        One other solution I have considered using is a small Perl script to 
dump the password hash. I have had success in building an array of passwords 
for the users I wish to maintain, but I suspect the easier solution is to 
figure out the regex to parse the AIX password file.

So far I have tried:

bundle agent passwords {

  "admin_users"  slist => { "tstusr1", "tstusr2", "tstusr3", "tstusr4" };
  # Perl script /fixes/scripts/cfpasswd dumps the hashed password via function 
  "admin_pass[$(admin_users)]"  string => execresult("/fixes/scripts/cfpasswd 

  "mypasswd" int => 
  "mypasswd_user"  slist => getindices("mypasswd_array"),
    policy => "overridable";


  "User: $(admin_users) has hashed password:  $(admin_pass[$(admin_users)])";
  "Found index $(mypasswd_user[$(admin_users):][1])";

Which outputs:

R: User: tstusr1 has hashed password:  36KlkpWN/VI7U
R: User: tstusr2 has hashed password:  7f23WTTmyCHg6
R: User: tstusr3 has hashed password:  6Xj8SCmOIx0LQ
R: User: tstusr4 has hashed password:  s/ftueLkQ8kyc
R: Found index $(mypasswd_user[1])
R: Found index $(mypasswd_user[1])
R: Found index $(mypasswd_user[1])
R: Found index $(mypasswd_user[1])

I *think the readstringarray() and getindices() functions are the things I want 
to use, and I am assuming it is the regex that is holding me up.

If I can just get the hashed password entry from the file I think the rest is 
pretty easy. 

Am I headed in the right direction, or is there a better solution 

The format of the entries in /etc/security/passwd are as follows:

        password = 36KlkpWN/VI7U
        lastupdate = 1299165605
        flags = ADMCHG

        password = 7f23WTTmyCHg6
        lastupdate = 1299165612
        flags = ADMCHG

        password = 6Xj8SCmOIx0LQ
        lastupdate = 1299165619
        flags = ADMCHG

        password = s/ftueLkQ8kyc
        lastupdate = 1299165626
        flags = ADMCHG

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