Umm... "go+r" does not mean "mode = 044"!  It means "add r to g and o" or in 
other words, "mode = mode | 044".  The umask should have nothing to do with it, 
as that is only used for file creation, AFAIK.

As to why they said, "go+r" instead of "644" is anyone's guess :-)


On Feb 2, 2011, at 2:32 AM, Seva Gluschenko wrote:

> This is the default umask change, I guess. The mode "go+r" explicitly
> means 044, so basically they get what they defined. Perhaps, earlier
> versions started with default mode 600, so that go+r worked fine, but
> now they have mode 000 by default.
> I wonder, why not just specify mode 644 instead of go+r, btw?
> 2011/2/2 Mark Burgess <>:
>> We've not seen or heard of anything like this from anyone else, but
>> we'll look into it. No code has changed here for quite a while. Please
>> tell us what OS you are running this on. There is always the possibility
>> of a build error.
>> On 02/01/2011 11:01 PM, Jean-Noël Rivasseau wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I just upgraded to 3.1.4 (from 3.0.5) and am facing a critical bug
>>> that breaks all our code. Basically the following promise:
>>> files:
>>> "/srv/${global.INTERNAL_REVERSED_DOMAIN}/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi"
>>> copy_from => fastCopyFromRemote("${global.OVERMIND_HOST}",
>>> "${global.UNISON_REPOSITORY_PATH}continuous-build/hudson/text-finder-1.8.hpi"),
>>> perms => tomcat;
>>> where:
>>> body perms tomcat()
>>> {
>>>       owners => {"tomcat"};
>>>       groups => {"tomcat"};
>>>       mode => "go+r";
>>> }
>>> body copy_from fastCopyFromRemote(server, path)
>>> {
>>>       servers => {"${server}"};
>>>       encrypt => "false";
>>>       trustkey => "true";
>>>       source => "${path}";
>>>       compare => "digest";
>>>       preserve => "false";
>>>       verify => "false";
>>>       purge => "true";
>>>       copy_backup => "false";
>>> }
>>> does not create correct permissions on the copied file. It should have
>>> a final permission of 644 but ends with 044:
>>> community>  -> Copy file
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi from
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/unison/design-engine/overmind/continuous-build/hudson/text-finder-1.8.hpi
>>> check
>>> community> Connection to is already open and ready...
>>> community>  -> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi
>>> wasn't at destination (copying)
>>> community>  -> Copying from
>>> community>  -> Copy of regular file succeeded
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/unison/design-engine/overmind/continuous-build/hudson/text-finder-1.8.hpi
>>> to /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi.cfnew
>>> community>  -> Owner of
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi was 0, setting to
>>> 265
>>> community>  -> Group of
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi was 0, setting to
>>> 265
>>> community>  -> Object
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi had permission 600,
>>> changed it to 644
>>> community>  -> Updated file from
>>> community> 
>>> Performance(Copy(
>>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi)): time=0.0114
>>> secs, av=0.0109 +/- 0.0105
>>> community> Existing connection just became free...
>>> community>  -> Handling file existence constraints on
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi
>>> community>  -> Owner of
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi was 0, setting to
>>> 265
>>> community>  -> Group of
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi was 0, setting to
>>> 265
>>> community>  -> Object
>>> /srv/net.kameleoon/hudson/plugins/text-finder.hpi had permission 0,
>>> changed it to 44
>>> This bug is critical for us, so if someone can look, it would be
>>> appreciated (and this is a very dangerous bug).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jean-Noel
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> SY, Seva Gluschenko.
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