
cf-agent, used with the -I option and the attached test.cf file,

 !! Duplicate selection of value for variable "foo" in scope test
 !! Rule from /home/user/.cfagent/inputs/test.cf at/before line 14
 !! Duplicate selection of value for variable "foo" in scope test
 !! Rule from /home/user/.cfagent/inputs/test.cf at/before line 14

(yes, twice).  I've not found any explanation about this message
in the manual (a list of all possible warning and error messages
along with their causes would be a great addition) and my Web
search engine didn't find anything useful.

My policy seems simple enough...

I'm using Cfengine community edition 3.1.1.

Any idea?

Marc Baudoin
STG Interactive
body common control
        bundlesequence  => { "test" } ;

bundle agent test

                slist   =>
                        readstringlist ( "/tmp/foo" , "#.*" , "[\n]" , 1000 , 
100000 )
                } ;
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