On 9 nov 2010, at 12:17, Seva Gluschenko wrote:

> Again, from my experience -H allows for successful run against 300+
> hosts, so it's not a problem, especially when the host list is
> provided by a shell script which takes that list from the database.
> Speaking about urgency, you'd better not consider Cfengine as the
> immediate tool (still from my experience). First, a runagent makes
> nothing else than just invoking cf-agent on the other side, and the
> cf-agent invoked will run through the whole policy set. It's not very
> immediate. Next, runagent's backgrounding is screwed (or at least was
> screwed in 3.0.5p1, didn't check the 3.1 yet). I made a patch which
> allows real backgrounding with -b option, but I cannot remember now
> whether did I submit the patch to Mark or left it for my own. Without
> proper backgrounding, cf-runagent won't proceed with the next host
> until it finishes with the current one. Even further from the urgency.
> If you're using cf-runagent only for explicit things, you may define
> certain classes in your promises which alter bundlesequence for agents
> restricting it to the certain tasks, so that things will be certainly
> speeded up. The process requires thorough design and testing, though.

Again thanks for the pointers and concerns .  3.1.0 has the -b option.  I have 
written something similar  for cfengine2 a long time ago.  I have quarterly, 
hourly and daily bundlesequence and have define some special classes that i 
defined with -D and they only executed a defined bundle, eg debian security 
upgrade.  That is very useful for cf-runagent.  

> 2010/11/9 Bas van der Vlies <b...@sara.nl>:
>> On 9 nov 2010, at 11:50, Seva Gluschenko wrote:
>>> From my experience, cf-runagent is best invoked with -H<host_list>. I
>>> tried -s and it failed, AFAIR.
>> Thanks for the info.  we have a lot of hosts so -H is not an option. I will 
>> make separate  files for each cluster and use -f option. Sometime we must 
>> used the
>> cf-runagent method to push Security fixes immediately.
>>> 2010/11/9 Bas van der Vlies <b...@sara.nl>:
>>>> cfengine cmmunity edition: 3.1.0
>>>> config file:
>>>> body runagent control
>>>> {
>>>>        Lisa::
>>>>                hosts => {
>>>>                        "gb-r10n2.irc.sara.nl",
>>>>                };
>>>> }
>>>> Question is how do i select all hosts in class LIsa. I have tried 
>>>> 'cf-runagent  -select-class Lisa' without any success or is this not 
>>>> supported?
>>>> --
>>>> Bas van der Vlies
>>>> b...@sara.nl
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>>> --
>>> SY, Seva Gluschenko.
>> --
>> Bas van der Vlies
>> b...@sara.nl
> -- 
> SY, Seva Gluschenko.

Bas van der Vlies

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