Marc Baudoin <> écrit :
> As the number of different types of hosts in my configuration
> grows, I wonder what are the strategies for making bundlesequence
> and inputs more modular.
> I define a class for each type of hosts so, of course, there's
> the class approach:
> body common control
> {
>       class1::
>         bundlesequence        => { "common" , "specific1"} ;
>         inputs                => { "" , "" } ;
>       class2::
>         bundlesequence        => { "common" , "specific2"} ;
>         inputs                => { "" , "" } ;
> }
> But what if a client belongs both to class1 and class2?
> My main goal is to avoid redundancies.  The common parts of
> bundlesequence and inputs can go into an slist, that's fine.
> I tried to define another slist variable to handle the specific
> parts of bundlesequence and inputs.  My idea was to begin vith an
> empty slist (now that we can use "cf_null") and then add bundles
> and inputs for each class the client belongs to.  But it's not
> possible to use the slist as in:
> "specific" slist => { @(specific) , "other_stuff" } ;
> and I found no way to add elements to an existing slist.
> So I'm stuck here with no elegant solution to my problem.
> How do people with a non-trivial configuration deal with this?

Thank you to Daniel V. Klein, Michael Potter and Bas van der
Vlies for their replies.

I went for this approach:
body common control
        bundlesequence  =>
                @(g.bundlesequence) ,
        } ;

        ignore_missing_inputs   => "true" ;

        inputs  =>
                "" ,
                "" ,
                @(g.inputs) ,
        } ;
bundle common g

        # definition of classes



                comment => "bundlesequence for DNS servers" ,
                slist   =>
                        "dns" ,
                } ;

                comment => "inputs for DNS servers" ,
                slist   =>
                        "" ,
                } ;

        # add more classes here


                comment => "bundlesequence" ,
                policy  => "ifdefined" ,
                slist   =>
                        "common_bundlesequences" ,
                        @(bundlesequence_dns) ,
                        # add more here
                } ;

                comment => "inputs" ,
                policy  => "ifdefined" ,
                slist   =>
                        "" ,
                        @(inputs_dns) ,
                        # add more here
                } ;

Marc Baudoin
STG Interactive
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