With Mark's permission, I am wearing my USENIX hat for this email and 
promoting a couple of upcoming events that will prominently feature 

First, I'd like to make sure you are all aware of the Configuration 
Management Summit in Boston on June 24 (details are at 
http://www.usenix.org/events/config10/).  The first Configuration 
Management Summit aims to bring together developers, power users, and 
new adopters of open source configuration management tools for 
automating system administration. Configuration management is a growth 
area in the IT industry, and open source solutions, with cost savings 
and an active user community, are presenting a serious challenge to 
today's "big vendor" products.

There is also a special one-day training on Cfengine being taught by 
Mark Burgess  on June 25 (details are at 
http://www.usenix.org/events/config10/#tut_cfengine).  This class will 
probably be a review for anyone on this mailing list, but it will also 
offer useful insights for people who are not new to Cfengine.  
Additionally, If you have colleagues who need to come up to speed on 
Cfengine quickly, this class will be an excellent opportunity for them 
to  learn Cfengine directly from the author.

If you are interested in either event, you can register at 
http://www.usenix.org/events/confweek10/registration/ (and if you have 
questions, you can email me directly).

Daniel Klein
Education Director
Help-cfengine mailing list

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