FWIW, I think I can get away with moving this particular class
definition into an agent bundle, but I'm still interested in finding out
why it doesn't work in a common bundle.


-----Original Message-----
From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
[mailto:help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org] On Behalf Of Justin Lloyd
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 5:29 PM
To: Daniel V Klein
Cc: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
Subject: RE: Problem defining classes from an slist 

I just compared your bundle to mine and found the problem. I was doing
this in a common bundle while yours is in an agent bundle. I seem to
recall a similar problem to this but I don't remember the details. I
changed mine to an agent bundle and it worked fine, but I'd like to do
it in a common bundle for global access. Is this a technical limitation
with how common bundles work?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel V Klein [mailto:d...@lonewolf.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 4:43 PM
To: Justin Lloyd
Cc: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
Subject: Re: Problem defining classes from an slist 

I am not sure what you're doing worng.  The following bundle works just
for me...  I did "cf-agent -Kb foo -f ./justin.cf"


bundle agent foo {

    "logs" slist => { "foo", "bar", "gar-bletch" };
        "canonified[$(logs)]" string => canonify("$(logs)");

    "$(canonified[$(logs)])_exists" expression =>


> FWIW, I just found out that this does not work:
> vars:
>     "logs" slist => { "foo", "bar" };
>     "canonified[$(logs)]" string => canonify("$(logs)");
> classes:
>     "$(canonified[$(logs)])_exists" expression =>
> fileexists("/var/adm/$(logs)");
> It gives the same error about illegal characters.
> Justin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
> [mailto:help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org] On Behalf Of Justin Lloyd
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 12:25 PM
> To: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
> Subject: Problem defining classes from an slist
> I have an slist variable, named "logs", of logfile names and just ran
> into a problem when I added a filename with a hyphen in it, breaking
> this classes promise:
> "$(logs)_exists" expression => fileexists("/var/adm/$(logs)");
> Running cf-promises on the .cf file returns the following message:
> !! Class identifier "syslog-ng_exists" contains illegal characters
> Since canonify and classify can only be used on the right-hand side of
> class definition, I'm not sure how to cleanly allow for filenames with
> characters that cannot appear in classes. (FWIW, I am defining whether
> each file in the slist exists to know whether I need to rotate the
> file.)
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Justin
> -- 
> Justin C. Lloyd 
> Unix Infrastructure Engineer 
> DigitalGlobe, An Imaging and Information Company
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