[ Replying to myself. ]

Marc Baudoin <baud...@stg-interactive.com> écrit :
> I'm assessing Cfengine 3 (community edition) to manage a bunch of
> servers.  It seems to have all the required features but I can't
> figure out how to manage packages (at least in the way I want).
> I believe package management is quite new in Cfengine 3 so what I
> need may not exist yet.
> I'd like to be able to list explicitely what packages has to be
> installed on each server.  This is easy:
> bundle agent packages
> {
> vars:
>       "match_package" slist => { "pkg1" , "pkg2" } ;
> packages:
>       "$(match_package)"
>               package_policy => "add" ,
>               package_method => generic ;
> }
> But I also want other packages to be removed.  Ideally, packages
> installed as dependencies of those listed in $(match_package)
> should be handled automatically so they don't have to be listed
> explicitely but it depends heavily on which package manager is
> used.  So, supposing every required package (and their
> dependencies) is listed in $(match_package), how can I have any
> other one removed?
> Intuitively, I'd like to be able to add something like that to my
> bundle:
> packages:
>       not "$(match_package)"
>               package_policy => "delete" ,
>               package_method => generic ;
> But I haven't found the right syntax to use (I may have missed
> something in the documentation, as it's quite hard for a
> newcomer).
> Is there a way to do that?

After spending some time reading the documentation and testing
different aspects of Cfengine, I came up with the following
bundle, which seems to do what I want, which is make sure no
other package than those listed in $(packages) are installed:

bundle agent software

        "packages" slist => { "pkg1" , "pkg2" } ;

                slist   =>
                        readstringlist ( "/tmp/installed" ,
                                        "#.*" , "[\n]" , "10000" , "100000" )
                } ;


                package_method  => generic ,
                package_policy  => "add" ;

                package_method  => generic ,
                package_policy  => "delete" ;


        "/usr/bin/dpkg -l | /usr/bin/awk '/^ii/ {print $2}' > /tmp/installed"
                contain => in_shell ;

                edit_line       => delete_lines_matching ( "$(packages)" ) ;

Can somebody more experienced in the ways of Cfengine tell me if
this is correct? Is it optimal or are there things to improve?

Marc Baudoin
STG Interactive
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