Eystein Måløy Stenberg <eystein.stenb...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Daniel,


> Does it help to say the following in your policy?
> ---
>    bundlesequence => { "base", "test", @(test.bundles) };
> ---

I'm afraid not, I have no problem with bundlesequence if I do just
replace inputs:

    bundlesequence => { "base", @(test.bundlesequence) };
    inputs => { "test.cf", "test2.cf" };

This mean to me that variable is not allowed in inputs.

This was the closest way to me to do the same as "import" in cf2.

I thought it was meanfull to split promises in several
files/directories, I have a services/ under which I put ssh.cf, smtp.cf
and so on, the same for a hosts/

The idea was to load only the relevant files to speed up processing,
making clear what was "available" and where it must be "enabled".

If someone want to add a service to a host, he just lookup the required
variables needed in services/<the service>.cf, define the required class
and variables in hosts/<the host>.cf and voilà.

With cf2, it's impossible to use in a file the classes or variables
defined in an "imported from that file" file, so everything was

With cf3, as promises.cf is the config file for all components, I want
to make it simple and robust and hiding some complexity by well defined
wrapper (bundles in cf3, I used modules in cf2).

Hope this will make my intention clear, feel free to fire my if I'm
looking crazy ;-)

Another idea, instead of chaining the bundlesequence and inputs of the
callee in the caller, using common bundles to add some.

bundle common test
   bundlesequence => { "test" };
   inputs => {"test2.cf" };

Does it sound crazy (again) that a bundle promise to call some bundles
and load some files ?

Daniel Dehennin
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