On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 11:30:55AM -0400, Matt Richards wrote:
>Good idea. I find the process overcounting more common. In my configuration, I 
>have a range for the process count and it reports when the process count is 
>out of range. I will add a "ps -ef" along with the report. It may not catch it 
>as it is not run exactly as the same time as the cf process count, but it 
>might be close enough to catch it.
>The process I am watching for can only have one process running. I intended it 
>to flag if not running, but it actually flags for two processes running (which 
>can't be possible, unless some odd regex is catching another process).

I've a similar situation--I want to ensure that one, and only one
process is running.  I came up with this, but it doens't work:

bundle agent check_proc {

     "MyProc_processes" slist => { "MyProc","MyProc_variant" };

                      handle         => "find_MyProc_procs",
                      restart_class  => 'start_process',
                      process_count  => check_range("MyProc_single","1","1"),
                      process_select => find_MyProc;

                  # Different name to distinguish from the previous
                  # promise
                  "[ /]MyProc"
                      handle         => "too_many_MyProc_procs",
                      process_count  => MyProc_too_many;


                      handle => 'kill_MyProc',
                      contain => quiet_no_shell,
                      classes => 
                      args => "${MyProc_processes}";

                  "/etc/rc.d/init.d/MyProc start";


body process_select find_MyProc {
              process_owner  => { 'someuser' };
              process_result => "process_owner";

body process_count sge_too_many {
              match_range         => irange('2','99999');
                  in_range_define => { 'MyProc_too_many' };

Jesse Becker
NHGRI Linux support (Digicon Contractor)
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