With the default splaytime of 1 minute, every host will execute its policy at 
some time during that minute (fixed delay of 1-60 seconds based on hostname), 
fairly well spread out based on my testing. So for every 100 systems, 1 to 2 
systems would execute policy every second at the same 5 minute intervals (i.e. 
the schedule variable). When I get my initial 500 systems going, that will be 
5-10 retrievals per second, unless I increase splaytime, in which case it takes 
longer for each system to complete each cf-agent invocation.

Plus, by randomly distributing certain work throughout the day, I'm less 
concerned about systems being down and not doing something that was specified 
at a certain time.


-----Original Message-----
From: nwat...@symcor.com [mailto:nwat...@symcor.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 9:32 AM
To: Justin Lloyd
Cc: help-cfengine@cfengine.org; help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
Subject: RE: Evaluating a promise occasionally

Isn't splaytime going to prevent any chance of network clogs?  If each 
agent is started with the executor it will delay using splaytime.  Thus 
the db host will not get all connections at once. 

Neil Watson

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