Ummm to all it's means hit... sorry

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lebel, Marco
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:19 PM
To: Mark Burgess; Jesse Becker
Subject: RE: Discovered classes


After some investigation the proposed fix did not solve my problem but since 
you gave me the file and routine to look at I found the following further down 
in the code:

if (strcmp(inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr),"") == 0)  <--- probably the value 
that we get if no address are attached to an interface
   // Maybe we need to do something windows specific here?

This is the message I get when the code it's the none value interface

    CfOut(cf_verbose,""," !! Cannot discover hardware IP, using DNS value"); 
    for (sp = ip+strlen(ip)-1; (sp > ip); sp--)
        if (*sp == '.')
             *sp = '\0';
         i = 3;
         for (sp = ip+strlen(ip)-1; (sp > ip); sp--)
             if (*sp == '.')
               *sp = '\0';
            close(fd);  <---
            return; <---

My question to those of you that have the knowledge or time to figure it out.  
Why does it do a close followed by a return?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Burgess [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:42 AM
To: Jesse Becker
Cc: Lebel, Marco;
Subject: Re: Discovered classes

It might be worth trying this interface instead of the usual ioctl().

In the mean time, you can comment out the check in sysinfo.c

   if (strstr(ifp->ifr_name,":"))
      if (VSYSTEMHARDCLASS == linuxx)
         CfOut(cf_verbose,"","Skipping apparent virtual interface %d:
      CfOut(cf_verbose,"","Interface %d: %s\n",j+1,ifp->ifr_name);

and it should bring you back to the classes you know and love.


Jesse Becker wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 11:04:46AM -0500, Mark Burgess wrote:
>> We are looking for a solution to this issue. Basically, Linux can hang
>> on virtual
>> interfaces and this has caused other people problems. I am open to
>> suggestions for a
>> solution, but it is not an easy matter.
> For linux, pull the list directly from /proc/net/dev?  Or maybe
> something in /sys/class/net?
> From a host running KVM:
> [~]$ cat /proc/net/dev
> Inter-|   Receive                                                | 
> Transmit
>  face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed
> multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
>     lo:2035515595 16347121    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 2035515595 16347121    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   eth0:964032855 3733193    0    8    0     0          0         6
> 964776855 3688530    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   eth1: 1373978   16577    0  360    0     0          0         6 
> 3691060   14479    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   eth4:36222924493 92484373    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 190776575475 74917623    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   eth2:7622682830 21196351    0 10529689    0     0          0   1423482
> 2799002579 7724799    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   eth3:58534522315 168878325    0 1327037    0     0          0   
> 939658 290576727566 242375822    0    0    0     0       0          0
>   sit0:       0       0    0    0    0     0          0         0       
> 0       0    0    0    0     0       0          0
>    br1:31993596562 62227565    0    0    0     0          0   5747129
> 190468183725 51855392    0    0    0     0       0          0
>    br0:54074870393 162568991    0    0    0     0          0   3030329
> 282032747107 128656319    0    0    0     0       0          0
>  vnet0:336505187 2644980    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 428187471 3095434    0    0    0     0       0          0
>  vnet1:309250135 2566061    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 442882874 3137403    0    0    0     0       0          0
>  vnet3:336338485 2643313    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 428184929 3096606    0    0    0     0       0          0
>  vnet4: 6045462  114265    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 31202709  326066    0    0    0     0       0          0
>  vnet2:143918060 1137029    0    0    0     0          0         0
> 194492556 1333825    0    0    0     0       0          0
> [~]$ ls /sys/class/net
> br0  br1  eth0  eth1  eth2  eth3  eth4  lo  sit0  vnet0  vnet1  vnet2 
> vnet3  vnet4
>> Lebel, Marco wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Assuming the following (edited) output from a netstat -i
>>> Name      Mtu  Network         Address         Ipkts   Ierrs Opkts 
>>> Oerrs Coll
>>> lan2:4    1500     name1.domain 1916681074 0    
>>> 22     0     0
>>> lan2      1500      name2.domain  1462215563 0   
>>> 926778993 0     0
>>> lan5:1    1500     name3     1436691065 0     76535747
>>> 0     0
>>> lan1*     1500 *none*            *none*            0       0    
>>> 0      0     0                         
>>> lan0      1500    name4      11705845 0     22842341
>>> 0     0
>>> lo0       4136 loopback        localhost       351634044 0     351634872
>>> 0     0
>>> lan5:3    1500     name5.domain  9214    0     9172  
>>> 0     0
>>> :
>>> :
>>> :
>>> :
>>> :
>>> With version 2.2.9 name1, name2, name3, name4 and name5 would be defined
>>> as classes (what I call discovered classes).  With version 3.0.2 and
>>> 3.0.4 the discovered classes stop at the first entry that matches *none*
>>> (tested on multiple servers) meaning only name1, name2 and name3 are
>>> defined.  All of the classes that should be defined as per the 2.2.9
>>> behavior are no longer defined.  Needless to say that this change in
>>> behavior is a pain in my effort to convert to V3.
>>> So you have guess it my question is:  Is this a bug or an intended
>>> behavior?
>>> Marco
>>> Output from version 2.2.9 cfagent -v
>>> :
>>> :
>>> Interface 1: lan2:4
>>> Interface 2: lan2
>>> Interface 3: lan5:1
>>> Interface 4: lan1
>>> Interface 5: lan0
>>> Interface 6: lo0
>>> Interface 7: lan5:3
>>> Interface 8: lan2:1
>>> Interface 9: lan5:2
>>> Interface 10: lan2:3
>>> Interface 11: lan5
>>> Interface 12: lan2:2
>>> Interface 13: lan4
>>> Trying to locate my IPv6 address
>>> :
>>> :
>>> Output from version 3.0.2 cf-promises ???v
>>> :
>>> :
>>> cf3 Interface 1: lan2:4
>>> cf3 Interface 2: lan2
>>> cf3 Adding alias name1..
>>> cf3 Interface 3: lan5:1
>>> cf3 Adding alias name2.domain..
>>> cf3 Interface 4: lan1
>>> cf3  !! Cannot discover hardware IP, using DNS value
>>> cf3 Trying to locate my IPv6 address
>>> :
>>> :
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> -- 
>> Mark Burgess
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Professor of Network and System Administration
>> Oslo University College, Norway
>> Personal Web:
>> Office Telf : +47 22453272
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Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

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