On Thu, 4 Mar 2010 10:21:27 -0500 Matt Richards <defraya...@gmail.com> wrote: 

MR> On Mar 4, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

>> On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:05:04 +0100 Mark Burgess <mark.burg...@iu.hio.no> 
>> wrote: 
MB> I always did a HUP, but I don't have to deal with AIX. From 3.0.4
MB> cfengine will detach from its parent, so it could kill and restart
MB> cron.
>> The other common method besides HUP is to just resubmit the crontab with
>> "crontab FILENAME", naming a specific user if necessary.

MR> True, only if you have the full crontab available as a file. With
MR> cfengine, I just edit the cron entry directly without pulling the
MR> whole file. But, that is another way to do it. I suppose you could
MR> do a crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username>

Yes :)

MR> Interesting, I never thought to do it that way. It might be more
MR> consistent across platforms than creating different methods for

Yes, that was my motivation too.  Signals also caused problems with
fcron on Solaris 2.6 for me so that was another reason to avoid them.

Incidentally, this is how cfperl did it, by calling crontab.  Sadly I
haven't had the time to work on cfperl and cfengine has moved on, but
you can find the source code at
http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/cfperl with some examples and a

This was cfperl's cfengine-ish language to edit crontabs, from the
example configuration file:

  delete cron cftest
  delete full cron cftest
  hourly at 0,10,20,30,40,50 do as cftest  /usr/bin/synchronize
  hourly at * do as cftest  /usr/bin/synchronize
  hourly at 0-59 do as cftest  /usr/bin/synchronize
  daily at 4,5,6 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checknetwork
  daily at 4:30 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checknetwork
  daily at 4,5:30 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checknetwork
  daily at 4,5:30,6:30,7,9:30,4:01,7:01,10:02 do as cftest  
  daily at 1 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checknetwork
  weekly on Monday,Tuesday at 2; on Tuesday,Friday at 8,3; on Thursday at 20,22 
do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas
  weekly on Monday,Sunday at 2:40; on Tuesday at 8:10,9:10; on Thursday at 20 
do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas
  monthly on 1 at 2:30 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas
  monthly on 1,2 at 2:10,3:40 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas
  monthly on 1 at 2; on 4,8 at 4; on 31 at 8 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas
  yearly in January on 1 at 2; in March on 4,5 at 8:30; in November,December on 
28,30 at 20:01,21 do as cftest  /usr/bin/checkquotas

>From that it would create or edit a crontab with lines as specified.

I hope this is of historical interest :)

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