Hello everybody,
i've succesfully tested the file transfer between my host und my policy
My problem is:
I have a file on my server test.txt 
I can transfer this file from my server to a client if I started the
server with the command "cf-serverd -v" and the client with "cf-agent".
But the command to transfer the file test.txt is written in the
promises.cf on the client.
This is my promises on the client:
body common control {
        bundlesequence => { hello, test };
bundle agent hello {
                # This is a comment
                "Hello, world";
bundle agent test {
                copy_from => mycopy("/tmp/test.txt","");
body copy_from mycopy(from,server) {
        source => "$(from)";
        servers => {"$(server)"};
        encrypt => true;
I want to start the transfer from the server and not from the client. I
think the transfer command should be on the server to manage my network.
I hope you can understand my problem.
Christian Seifert 
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