On 26 February 2010 13:18, Mark Burgess <mark.burg...@iu.hio.no> wrote:
> I don't know what "in transition" means. The last seen report is available in 
> community.
> Select a report type like html and and output directory (default 
> /var/cfengine/reports)
> M

The term "in transition" is a quote from an unanswered post on
cf-report [1], it's probably a euphemism for "not working".

It is good that cf-report does indeed work, but since it doesn't seem
to be documented, I can't use it, simply because I cannot figure it
out on my own with only cf-report --help to assist me.

Here is what I think is true:
- cf_LastSeen.db on the policy server is updated every time a client
contacts the policy server, registering at least when the contact was
- There is no need to use report promises to enable this,
cf_LastSeen.db is always updated.
- cf-report can be used to query cf_LastSeen.db to get access to this
information (again without report promises), so that I can get a list
of which clients have contacted the policyserver and when.
- The above is not documented anywhere I can access it.

Is this correct? If cf-report can be used as described, which
parameters do I give it to provide the report of client contacts?

- Erlend

[1]: https://cfengine.org/pipermail/help-cfengine/2009-April/005121.html
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