
Ok, I see, the /etc/classes directory is more of a semaphore mechanism
for emergency external control of how Cfengine will behave on a
particular system without having to actually modify the policy. IMHO,
that's actually an elegant solution to the 3 AM emergency problem,
eliminating a lot of potential policy changes when one is not fully
awake. :)

We use RT's Asset Tracker module as our asset database (ATDB), so we
could add certain permanent classes to a custom field there and have
Cfengine on each host retrieve that through our existing AJAX API,
caching it locally for times when that database is unavailable. Having
such information in the CMDB (AT, LDAP, etc.) would certainly make the
types of queries you mention easier, since Cfengine cannot currently do
that (to the best of my knowledge).

Data quality control is high on our radar. I want to have Cfengine
automate the population of the ATDB as much as possible to minimize the
possibility of human error in data entry. Our IS developers are working
on this from a number of angles as well, creating tools and interfaces
to minimize the need for such human input.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hoskins [mailto:micho...@cisco.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:00 PM
To: Justin Lloyd; Tim Cutts
Cc: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
Subject: Re: Team-based Cfengine Management

On 2/2/10 12:27 PM, "Justin Lloyd" <jll...@digitalglobe.com> wrote:
> I've not thought it through completely, but I really like the
> /etc/classes directory idea. I had an idea of using an
> /etc/digitalglobe.conf shell-style file that could be parsed or
> by Cfengine, shell scripts, etc. and could contain comments explaining
> each entry (e.g. RUNTIME=gold, FUNCTION=pp). But OTOH, /etc/classes
> files could contain descriptions of why they're there. OTTH, I could
> have a variable in the conf file that simply contained additional
> arbitrary classes, similar to your minimal_host class. And a single
> per host is easier to revision control. This will take some thinking.
> Either way, however, such files would generally be outside of
> remit, so there's the question of how to manage those files and
> them from being inadvertently changed or deleted.

One thing I didn't make clear in my last post...  /etc/classes is still
considered a bit of a hack.  If there is something that must be
long-term, it would ideally be added to policy (and our documentation
training enforces this).

So /etc/classes is not meant to permanently override host configuration.
It's just an option for power users (the paged admin at 3AM) when they
really need control, or an easy stop gap while integrating new hosts
with Company X and got N new roles to think about?).  We've found having
these sort of flexible options make adoption of cfe easier for all.  In
terms of monitoring staleness, it should be fairly easy to write a
plugin that checks for /etc/classes files > threshold age.

Beside this, we also have a system similar to what you describe...  Our
inventory database can return shell style output to queries received
the web.  I highly suggest this approach...  Once it was available,
started using it.  The ability to run a single lightweight query and
"all hosts of role X" or "all DEV hosts of role Y" in a fairly automated
(e.g. The database is updated as part of provisioning new machines, not
manual edits to flat files) saves a lot of time.  This sort of database
where more permanent role definitions belong (minimal hosts should
eventually transition to a documented role), and we have modules which
derive class information from the database (with caching of course, so
database can go down and on one cares...data just gets stale).

It's good to see different minds progress in similar directions...  I
wanted to encourage you to keep exploring this angle, and focus on
your host configuration data distributed (essential data should be
to each host with caching), centrally managed (through a web UI, SQL
etc.), and query-able (harder if you don't use a database).  We've also
found that building web UIs on top of such data helps enforce
(e.g. A MAC address shouldn't be formatted like an IP, a FQHN should
at least 2 dots, etc.).  Otherwise, data quality may suffer as
of hosts grow (more typing, more typos).

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