Running Community 3.0.2 on Redhat 5.3, 32 bit. cf-promises -x in gdb
Start was not at 31 -> 47 -> BlockTextMatch - ok 5. Testing promise attribute completeness [New Thread 0xb7f3c6d0 (LWP 27088)] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x08086dcb in cfPS (level=cf_error, status=119 'w', errstr=0x80a709b "", pp=0xbfe28fb8, attr= {select = {name = 0x0, path = 0x0, perms = 0x0, bsdflags = 0x0, owners = 0x0, groups = 0x0, max_size = -678, min_size = -678, max_ctime = -678, min_ctime = -678, max_mtime = -678, min_mtime = -678, max_atime = -678, min_atime = -678, exec_regex = 0x0, exec_program = 0x0, filetypes = 0x0, issymlinkto = 0x0, result = 0x0}, perms = {plus = 0, minus = 0, owners = 0x8e28690, groups = 0x8e28620, findertype = 0x0, plus_flags = 0, minus_flags = 0, rxdirs = 1}, copy = {source = 0x0, destination = 0x0, compare = cfa_nocomparison, link_type = cfa_symlink, servers = 0x0, link_instead = 0x0, copy_links = 0x0, backup = cfa_backup, stealth = 0, preserve = 0, collapse = 0, check_root = 0, type_check = 0, force_update = 0, force_ipv4 = 0, min_size = 4294966618, max_size = 4294966618, trustkey = 0, encrypt = 0, verify = 0, purge = 0, portnumber = -678}, delete = {dirlinks = cfa_linkdelete, rmdirs = 0}, rename = {newname = 0x0, disable_suffix = 0x0, disable = 0, rotate = -678, plus = 0, minus = 0}, change = {hash = cf_md5, report_changes = cfa_noreport, update = 0}, link = {source = 0x0, link_type = cfa_symlink, copy_patterns = 0x0, when_no_file = cfa_skip, when_linking_children = cfa_onlynonexisting, link_children = 0}, edits = {backup = cfa_backup, empty_before_use = 0, maxfilesize = 10000}, packages = {package_policy = cfa_addpack, have_package_methods = 0, package_version = 0x0, package_architectures = 0x0, package_select = cfa_eq, package_changes = cfa_individual, package_file_repositories = 0x0, package_list_command = 0x0, package_list_version_regex = 0x0, package_list_name_regex = 0x0, package_list_arch_regex = 0x0, package_patch_list_command = 0x0, package_patch_version_regex = 0x0, package_patch_name_regex = 0x0, package_patch_arch_regex = 0x0, package_patch_installed_regex = 0x0, package_version_regex = 0x0, package_name_regex = 0x0, package_arch_regex = 0x0, package_installed_regex = 0x0, package_add_command = 0x0, package_delete_command = 0x0, package_update_command = 0x0, package_patch_command = 0x0, package_verify_command = 0x0, package_noverify_regex = 0x0, package_name_convention = 0x0, package_noverify_returncode = 0}, context = {expression = 0x0, broken = 0}, measure = {stream_type = 0x0, data_type = cf_str, history_type = 0x0, select_line_matching = 0x0, select_line_number = 0, extraction_regex = 0x0, units = 0x0}, acl = {acl_method = cfacl_nomethod, acl_type = cfacl_notype, acl_directory_inherit = cfacl_noinherit, acl_entries = 0x0, acl_inherit_entries = 0x0}, database = {db_server_owner = 0x0, db_server_password = 0x0, db_server_host = 0x0, db_connect_db = 0x0, db_server_type = cfd_mysql, server = 0x0, type = 0x0, operation = 0x0, columns = 0x0, rows = 0x0, exclude = 0x0}, transformer = 0x0, pathtype = 0x0, repository = 0x0, touch = 0, create = 0, move_obstructions = 0, recursion = {travlinks = 0, rmdeadlinks = 0, depth = 0, xdev = 0, include_basedir = 0, include_dirs = 0x0, exclude_dirs = 0x0}, transaction = {action = cfa_fix, ifelapsed = 1, expireafter = 120, background = 0, log_string = 0x0, log_kept = 0x0, log_repaired = 0x0, log_failed = 0x0, measure_id = 0x0, audit = 0, report_level = cf_noreport, log_level = cf_noreport}, classes = {change = 0x0, failure = 0x0, denied = 0x0, timeout = 0x0, kept = 0x0, interrupt = 0x0, persist = 0, timer = cfreset}, contain = {useshell = 0, umask = 0, owner = 0, group = 0, chdir = 0x0, chroot = 0x0, preview = 0, nooutput = 0, timeout = 0}, args = 0x0, module = 0, exec_timeout = 0, signals = 0x0, process_stop = 0x0, restart_class = 0x0, process_count = {min_range = 0, max_range = 0, in_range_define = 0x0, out_of_range_define = 0x0}, process_select = {owner = 0x0, min_pid = 0, max_pid = 0, min_ppid = 0, max_ppid = 0, min_pgid = 0, max_pgid = 0, min_rsize = 0, max_rsize = 0, min_vsize = 0, max_vsize = 0, min_ttime = 0, max_ttime = 0, min_stime = 0, max_stime = 0, min_pri = 0, max_pri = 0, min_thread = 0, max_thread = 0, status = 0x0, command = 0x0, tty = 0x0, process_result = 0x0}, report = {haveprintfile = 0, havelastseen = 0, lastseen = 0, intermittency = 0, friend_pattern = 0x0, filename = 0x0, to_file = 0x0, numlines = 0, showstate = 0x0}, mount = {mount_type = 0x0, mount_source = 0x0, mount_server = 0x0, mount_options = 0x0, editfstab = 0, unmount = 0}, volume = {check_foreign = 0, freespace = 0, sensible_size = 0, sensible_count = 0, scan_arrivals = 0}, tcpip = {ipv4_address = 0x0, ipv4_netmask = 0x0}, havedepthsearch = 0, haveselect = 0, haverename = 0, havedelete = 0, haveperms = 0, havechange = 0, havecopy = 0, havelink = 0, haveeditline = 0, haveeditxml = 0, haveedit = 0, havecontain = 0, haveclasses = 0, havetrans = 0, haveprocess_count = 0, havemount = 0, havevolume = 0, havebundle = 0, havetcpip = 0, havepackages = 0, region = {select_start = 0x0, select_end = 0x0}, location = {line_matching = 0x0, before_after = cfe_before, first_last = 0x0}, column = {column_separator = 0x0, select_column = 0, value_separator = 0 '\0', column_value = 0x0, column_operation = 0x0, extend_columns = 0, blanks_ok = 0}, replace = {replace_value = 0x0, occurrences = 0x0}, haveregion = 0, havelocation = 0, havecolumn = 0, havereplace = 0, haveinsertselect = 0, havedeleteselect = 0, line_select = {startwith_from_list = 0x0, not_startwith_from_list = 0x0, match_from_list = 0x0, not_match_from_list = 0x0, contains_from_list = 0x0, not_contains_from_list = 0x0}, sourcetype = 0x0, expandvars = 0, not_matching = 0, fwd_name = 0x0, bwd_name = 0x0, associates = 0x0, represents = 0x0, rep_type = 0x0, path_root = 0x0, web_root = 0x0}, fmt=0x80b5bbc " !! files promise makes no intention about system state") at cfstream.c:233 233 cfstream.c: No such file or directory. in cfstream.c Then back (gdb) back #0 0x08086dcb in cfPS (level=cf_error, status=119 'w', errstr=0x80a709b "", pp=0xbfe28fb8, attr= {select = {name = 0x0, path = 0x0, perms = 0x0, bsdflags = 0x0, owners = 0x0, groups = 0x0, max_size = -678, min_size = -678, max_ctime = -678, min_ctime = -678, max_mtime = -678, min_mtime = -678, max_atime = -678, min_atime = -678, exec_regex = 0x0, exec_program = 0x0, filetypes = 0x0, issymlinkto = 0x0, result = 0x0}, perms = {plus = 0, minus = 0, owners = 0x8e28690, groups = 0x8e28620, findertype = 0x0, plus_flags = 0, minus_flags = 0, rxdirs = 1}, copy = {source = 0x0, destination = 0x0, compare = cfa_nocomparison, link_type = cfa_symlink, servers = 0x0, link_instead = 0x0, copy_links = 0x0, backup = cfa_backup, stealth = 0, preserve = 0, collapse = 0, check_root = 0, type_check = 0, force_update = 0, force_ipv4 = 0, min_size = 4294966618, max_size = 4294966618, trustkey = 0, encrypt = 0, verify = 0, purge = 0, portnumber = -678}, delete = {dirlinks = cfa_linkdelete, rmdirs = 0}, rename = {newname = 0x0, disable_suffix = 0x0, disable = 0, rotate = -678, plus = 0, minus = 0}, change = {hash = cf_md5, report_changes = cfa_noreport, update = 0}, link = {source = 0x0, link_type = cfa_symlink, copy_patterns = 0x0, when_no_file = cfa_skip, when_linking_children = cfa_onlynonexisting, link_children = 0}, edits = {backup = cfa_backup, empty_before_use = 0, maxfilesize = 10000}, packages = {package_policy = cfa_addpack, have_package_methods = 0, package_version = 0x0, package_architectures = 0x0, package_select = cfa_eq, package_changes = cfa_individual, package_file_repositories = 0x0, package_list_command = 0x0, package_list_version_regex = 0x0, package_list_name_regex = 0x0, package_list_arch_regex = 0x0, package_patch_list_command = 0x0, package_patch_version_regex = 0x0, package_patch_name_regex = 0x0, package_patch_arch_regex = 0x0, package_patch_installed_regex = 0x0, package_version_regex = 0x0, package_name_regex = 0x0, package_arch_regex = 0x0, package_installed_regex = 0x0, package_add_command = 0x0, package_delete_command = 0x0, package_update_command = 0x0, package_patch_command = 0x0, package_verify_command = 0x0, package_noverify_regex = 0x0, package_name_convention = 0x0, package_noverify_returncode = 0}, context = {expression = 0x0, broken = 0}, measure = {stream_type = 0x0, data_type = cf_str, history_type = 0x0, select_line_matching = 0x0, select_line_number = 0, extraction_regex = 0x0, units = 0x0}, acl = {acl_method = cfacl_nomethod, acl_type = cfacl_notype, acl_directory_inherit = cfacl_noinherit, acl_entries = 0x0, acl_inherit_entries = 0x0}, database = {db_server_owner = 0x0, db_server_password = 0x0, db_server_host = 0x0, db_connect_db = 0x0, db_server_type = cfd_mysql, server = 0x0, type = 0x0, operation = 0x0, columns = 0x0, rows = 0x0, exclude = 0x0}, transformer = 0x0, pathtype = 0x0, repository = 0x0, touch = 0, create = 0, move_obstructions = 0, recursion = {travlinks = 0, rmdeadlinks = 0, depth = 0, xdev = 0, include_basedir = 0, include_dirs = 0x0, exclude_dirs = 0x0}, transaction = {action = cfa_fix, ifelapsed = 1, expireafter = 120, background = 0, log_string = 0x0, log_kept = 0x0, log_repaired = 0x0, log_failed = 0x0, measure_id = 0x0, audit = 0, report_level = cf_noreport, log_level = cf_noreport}, classes = {change = 0x0, failure = 0x0, denied = 0x0, timeout = 0x0, kept = 0x0, interrupt = 0x0, persist = 0, timer = cfreset}, contain = {useshell = 0, umask = 0, owner = 0, group = 0, chdir = 0x0, chroot = 0x0, preview = 0, nooutput = 0, timeout = 0}, args = 0x0, module = 0, exec_timeout = 0, signals = 0x0, process_stop = 0x0, restart_class = 0x0, process_count = {min_range = 0, max_range = 0, in_range_define = 0x0, out_of_range_define = 0x0}, process_select = {owner = 0x0, min_pid = 0, max_pid = 0, min_ppid = 0, max_ppid = 0, min_pgid = 0, max_pgid = 0, min_rsize = 0, max_rsize = 0, min_vsize = 0, max_vsize = 0, min_ttime = 0, max_ttime = 0, min_stime = 0, max_stime = 0, min_pri = 0, max_pri = 0, min_thread = 0, max_thread = 0, status = 0x0, command = 0x0, tty = 0x0, process_result = 0x0}, report = {haveprintfile = 0, havelastseen = 0, lastseen = 0, intermittency = 0, friend_pattern = 0x0, filename = 0x0, to_file = 0x0, numlines = 0, showstate = 0x0}, mount = {mount_type = 0x0, mount_source = 0x0, mount_server = 0x0, mount_options = 0x0, editfstab = 0, unmount = 0}, volume = {check_foreign = 0, freespace = 0, sensible_size = 0, sensible_count = 0, scan_arrivals = 0}, tcpip = {ipv4_address = 0x0, ipv4_netmask = 0x0}, havedepthsearch = 0, haveselect = 0, haverename = 0, havedelete = 0, haveperms = 0, havechange = 0, havecopy = 0, havelink = 0, haveeditline = 0, haveeditxml = 0, haveedit = 0, havecontain = 0, haveclasses = 0, havetrans = 0, haveprocess_count = 0, havemount = 0, havevolume = 0, havebundle = 0, havetcpip = 0, havepackages = 0, region = {select_start = 0x0, select_end = 0x0}, location = {line_matching = 0x0, before_after = cfe_before, first_last = 0x0}, column = {column_separator = 0x0, select_column = 0, value_separator = 0 '\0', column_value = 0x0, column_operation = 0x0, extend_columns = 0, blanks_ok = 0}, replace = {replace_value = 0x0, occurrences = 0x0}, haveregion = 0, havelocation = 0, havecolumn = 0, havereplace = 0, haveinsertselect = 0, havedeleteselect = 0, line_select = {startwith_from_list = 0x0, not_startwith_from_list = 0x0, match_from_list = 0x0, not_match_from_list = 0x0, contains_from_list = 0x0, not_contains_from_list = 0x0}, sourcetype = 0x0, expandvars = 0, not_matching = 0, fwd_name = 0x0, bwd_name = 0x0, associates = 0x0, represents = 0x0, rep_type = 0x0, path_root = 0x0, web_root = 0x0}, fmt=0x80b5bbc " !! files promise makes no intention about system state") at cfstream.c:233 #1 0x080918e6 in GetFilesAttributes (pp=0xbfe28fb8) at attributes.c:96 #2 0x0807b3cb in TestAgentPromises () at selfdiagnostic.c:363 #3 0x0804ad3b in CheckOpts (argc=2, argv=0xbfe2a124) at cfpromises.c:187 #4 0x0804ae8a in main (argc=541007872, argv=0x64614200) at cfpromises.c:92 Sincerely, -- Neil Watson 416-673-3465
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